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Restoring Lives & Empowering People



Make A True Change

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making New Beginnings Church an even better Nonprofit Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.

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Adminstrator, Worship Leader, and Teacher

Karen Denise Bourgeois Harper, First Lady, Anointed Women of God and Co-Pastor of New Beginnings Restoration & Empowerment Ministries Beaumont Texas. Karen is an anointed Praise and Worship Leader, Teacher and Pastor.  The Director of “WOW” Women of Worth Women's Ministry located at 7045 Prutzman Road in Beaumont.

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28 Years in Pastoral Ministry

Reverend Dr. Billy Ray Harper was born again into the kingdom of God on May 15, 1987 at the age of 29. While he may have gotten somewhat of a late start in His spiritual journey, he’s been making up for the lost time ever since.
Our pastor is somewhat of a Christian entrepreneur, doing pioneering work in Christian television production, West African missions, community ministries and as Pastor of New Beginnings Church.
He has an earned doctorate from Aspen Theological Seminary and has been preaching since 1991. In addition to his work as our Pastor, Dr. Harper is the President of BK Productions, and Alpha and Omega Broadcasting Network, a Certified Counselor.
President of New Beginnings Church West African Mission Projects for 10 years. He has other affiliations and community involvements too numerous to list in this limited space, but all of those take second place to his primary positions of husband, father (to four) and grandfather(to 13 ). His wife Karen is Billy’s “left hand.” He says, “You can do no great task without the use of both hands. If there’s something large to lift, while the right hand may be stronger, the left hand completes the grasp. One hand can point the way, but it takes both to applaud and encourage. Karen is my strength. I could not be the man I am in Christ today without her constant encouragement help and support.” Dr. and Mrs. Harper’s marriage is an example to all people of the strength found in the oneness of a couple that is fully committed to God and to one another. Dr. Harper loves the Scripture and is devoted to much prayer. As a result our church is experiencing phenomenal numerical and spiritual growth. You will love the preaching ministry of Dr. Harper. It is something he was well known for throughout our region and even around the world, long before he surrendered to begin our church. Pastor preaches relatively short, powerful messages filled with practical principles for everyday living. When you visit New Beginnings Church you will come away more empowered, better equipped and strongly encouraged to tackle life in all of it’s complexities and challenges. Pastor Harper believes deeply that "God does not count numbers, But He makes numbers count." One of Pastor Harper's  favorite saying  is "Nobody can beat God at being God".

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Hope Is Where the Heart Is


New Beginnings Church is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Nonprofit Organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities.

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At New Beginnings Church, we are dedicated to the mission field. Our pastor was a Missionary Evangelist before the founding of New Beginnings Church. After 4 pastor's conferences  in Koforidua and Accra Ghana serving hundreds of Pastors. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support in this world wide mission of advancing the Kingdom of God.

Family Is First and foremost at New Beginnings Church. Billy Ray & Karen Denise Harper love their four children and Jessica, Daphne, Jeremy and Jasmine. To God be the Glory for our  all he has done for us and our children. A Strong family bond is imperative to us and it is also first and foremost in the Word of God. The Harper's are a good example of a blended family in the 21st Century. To God be the Glory ffor what He has done.

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with the challenges facing our world today. We are working to built strong  families and solid individual relationships with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Our pastor's are a great example of a Godly marriage of over 33 years. They are great at counseling young marriages to strengthen marital bonds.

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(409) 782-5797

7045 Prutzman Rd, Beaumont, TX 77706, USA


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